[23.1.2025 Major Server Update]


🎮 Game🎮 :


Added some new custom mount to VOTE/DONOR Esc-Store.


Added new custom Glyphs to VOTE/DONOR Esc-Store.


Added alot of new transmog Wepons to T-Mall.


Added few new armor set to T-Mall.


Added more mechanics to Mother of Chaos.


Added update to Rank II of Mother of Chaos Tabard, Shirt  [Melee, Caster].


Warrior, Rogue, DK, Druid and Hunter has got additional lifesteal bonus [will be increased/decreased if needed]!



Reworked Sober Domer mount…

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[10.1.2025 Major Server Update]

🎮 Game🎮 :


Max Rank Sentex Weapons will be able to be upgraded with Upgrade Emerald to VIP rank 1 for special cost!


Added teleport option in Teleport Stone to Exodar!


Added custom Exodar Power Nodes to Exodar!


Any gem removal will require GM present from now on, cost for each removal will be 5 VT.


Added new NPC in Sanc. Mall which will expland Gem removal.


Added way to buy Exodar Power from Topaz Titan for NG.


Added update to Rank III, Rank IV, of Scroll of Lite Avenging Wrath at Vote Island.

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[28.10.2024. Minor Server Changes]


🎮 Game🎮 :



Added new Transmogs to T-Mall.


Fixed problem with Fungal quest.


Some changes had been added to Sanc. Mall Dragons.


Added new Halloween Event, npc with items/quests is in Sanc. Mall, you are able to teleport to Event Zone with Teleport Stone [Event Zone->Halloween Event], and follow road down to Raven Hill and Raven hill Cemetery.


Added new Pumpkii Pumpk creature/npc in Sanc.Mall which is required for Daily Halloween Quest [Ps. He is running around Mall!]




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[12.10.2024. Major Server Changes]


🎮 Game🎮 :


Random dismount from flying mounts in Sanc. Mall had been fixed [Some wierd places still may cause dismount from flying mounts].


Caster donation bag are now increasing 3% all spell power [Was int].


Store, Pet spells which were only for warlocks pets now can be used on Hunter/Mage/DK.


Added hit rating to armor tiers from 1-Heroic II.


Added Armor pent/spell pent. to Sentex/Hesion.


Added Sentex I armor set fro Hybrid in Sanc.Mall.


Added additional Dmg Dummy in mall with custom…

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[29.9.2024. Major Server Changes]


🎮 Game:


🔸Vote I Drop Buff is now Death Persistent, and 45 min duration [Was 30 min]


🔸Reworked all Donor/Vote Mounts from Store, changed some mount speeds/prices added description for cast time.


🔸Reworked Tier 14 of Weapons update "Drogo problem", not more required Drogo kills but Wings of Drogo which you can buy from NPC or get from Drogo himself.


🔸Thor Odinsons, Lokis, Merons mats had been made currency so after killing World Boss every party member gets those mats.


🔸Added some new gems to Proff. Zone.



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[22.9.2024. Major Server Changes]

 🎮 Game:


🔸Added new Taunt custom spell which is for every class.


🔸Added Evolve Increase Pack for Donor Tokens and Vote Tokens in ESC-Shop.


🔸Added alot of new transmog to T-Mall.


🔸Added 20 more mobs to VoA.


🔸Added new Dash Update spell for Druids, which is rank 4 for Dash can be bough in Store.


🔸Added new Demoralizing Roar Update spell for Druids, which is rank 9 for Demoralizing Roar can be bough in Store.


🔸Added new Enrage Update spell for Druids, which is rank 2 for Enrage can be bough in…

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